Physician Stories
In Physician Stories we highlight outstanding physicians across Arizona making a difference in the lives of their patients and peers. These stories bring together a physician's experience and their thoughts on a certain topic important to medicine and the public at large.
Fall 2023
Andrew Weil, MD
In Medical Maverick, Andrew Weil, MD, shares the progress he sees his medical specialty, integrative medicine has created and what the future holds for it.
Summer 2023
Daniel Hurley, MD
Daniel Hurley, MD, shares his thoughts on big data and its effects on otolaryngology and his practice in Improving Patient Care with Useful Information.
Spring 2023
Priya Radhakrishnan, MD
Priya Radhakrishnan, MD, shares her thoughts on graduate medical education in Arizona and her medical journey in Preparing Tomorrow's Doctors.
Winter 2022
Chris Yeung, MD
In Building On A Medical Family Legacy, Dr. Chris Yeung, an orthopedic spine surgeon, shares his medical journey and discusses how insurance impacts his practice.
Fall 2022
Amelia Gallitano, MD
In An Inspiration for Neuroscience Research, Dr. Amelia Gallitano we learn how her research will help gene therapies and shape the future of mental health.
Summer 2022
Sue Sisley, MD
In A Challenging Medicine's Status Quo, Dr. Sue Sisley shares her journey in getting the opportunity to research medical cannabis.
Spring 2022
Rebecca Sunenshine, MD, & Nicholas Staab, MD
In Maricopa County's Disease Detectives, Drs. Rebecca Sunenshine and Nick Staab, share how their team at MCPHD stop the spread of diseases and vaccine hesitancy.
Fall 2021
David Ott, MD
In A Commitment to Quality Through Value-based Care, Dr. David Ott shares his passion for helping patients through a standard of high quality.
Summer 2021
Holly Rooney, MD
In Rural Health Champion, Dr. Rooney shares with readers her love for Globe and her passion for rural health. She makes a pitch for physicians to consider rural Arizona.
Spring 2021
Toni Stockton, MD
In A Reflection on Diversity, Dr. Stockton shares insights from a career full of triumphs overcoming many biases. She shares how diversity will improve Arizona's physician workforce.
Winter 2021
Monica Faria, MD
In From the Brink to Redemption, Dr. Faria shares how she overcame major obstacles to become a physician and now specializes in treating other physicians.
Fall 2020
Rajeev Agarwal, MD
In Changing Medicine with a Smile, Dr. Agarwal shares his enthusiastic passion for pediatrics and how that's helped his practice grow even during a pandemic.
Summer 2020
Paul Lynch, MD
In Inspired to Fight a Deadly Virus, Dr. Lynch shares his experience with COVID-19 patients in New York City early in the pandemic and advises his peers considering private practice.
Spring 2020
Saba Radhi, MD
In A Human Connection, Dr. Radhi shares why she became an oncologist and how CTCA's cancer treatment methods help her feel she's truly making a difference.
Winter 2020
Anita Murcko, MD
In Putting the Pieces Together: Finding Balance in a Fragemented System, Dr. Murcko shares how to maintain balance and her different external endeavors that make her who she is.
July 2017
Sara Salek, MD
In Expanding Access Through Streamlined Process, Dr. Salek addresses the topic of serving Arizona's underserved populations.
June 2017
David Biglari, DO
In The World of the Heart: Thoughts on Cardiology and Caring for Arizona's Veterans, Dr. Biglari shares his experiences in cardiology.
May 2017
Michael Mills, MD
In Understanding the Forest from the Trees: A Conversation on Business & Medicine, Dr. Mills shares his entrepreneurial spirit.
April 2017
Patrick Hogan, DO
In Conquering Pain: A Conversation on Team-Based Care, Dr. Hogan shares his experiences in pain management and the Opioid crisis.
March 2017
Leigh Neumayer, MD
In Collegiality and Mentorship - Thriving as Women in Medicine Today, Dr. Neumayer shares her experiences as a mentor for women in medicine.
February 2017
Richard Manch, MD
In Appropriate Intervention and Expanding Access, Dr. Richard Manch shares his thoughts on government and healthcare.
January 2017
Bernard Bendok, MD
In Improving Outcomes, Dr. Bernard Bendok shares how medical technologies continue to be great tools for improving patient outcomes.